Thank you
Here’s where we say a big thank you to all those people and organisations who have supported Victoria Baths so far. Your donations, volunteering of time and skills, critical friendship and membership are very important to us.
Special thanks to all our Restoration Supporters and those individuals who prefer to remain anonymous. We are so grateful to all the contributors listed below.
Sheila Abrams, David & Jean Arnold, Anita & Anthony Asha, Karen Ashworth, Tracey Bagley, K & M Ball, Joanne Barlow, John & Vera Barlow, Julian Barratt, Mary Barber, Mr & Mrs Batten, Jude Bennett, Stefan Bielecki, Kate Blackall, Rosalind Blackman, Mr R Blair, Susan Boothby, William Bourne, Edith Bowers, Jude Bowcock, Paul Bowring, Jane Bracewell, Juliette Bradbury, Gwyneth Brock, Geraldine Brown, Cath Brownhill, Bernard & Mary Burton, Sandra Carrigan, Michael Chu, Stephen & Yvonne Chubb, Dawn Cole, Michael Cooper, Chandan Coverley, Eleanor Craddock, Ben Dare (in memory of Maxine Dare), Peter Davies, J Dowd, Nicola Dowling, Steve & Tricia Dunn, Sam Dunwoodie, Kathryn Dutton, Jill Earnshaw, East Lancashire Masonic Charity, Clive Easteal, David & Mary Eastwood, Joan Evans, Sue Evans, Paul Everitt, Abeir Farhan, Mr R Ferguson, Jane Fineren, Mike Franks, Marie Gallagher, Geoffrey Garside, Nigel Gloudon, Anne Graham, Jennifer Green, Ann Marie Guest, William Hadfield, Maryan Hadley, Barbara Hargreaves, Marion Hewitt, Kate Hill, Pauline & Philip Hillyer, Mrs R Hodson, Frances Holland, Zoe Holliday, Thomas Hopwood, Barbara Horrocks, Sarah Howell, Hilda Jackson, Linda Jackson, Jean Johnston, Brigitte Jones, Lyn Jones, Patricia Jones, Rosemary Jones, Susan Kaberry, Trish Kelly, Jana Kennedy, George Kinder, Mary King, Malcolm Knight, Susan Langton, Marjorie & Michael Latham, Liz Lavelle, Rachel & Rob Lea, David Ledbetter, Jon Leigh, Amy Lewis, Yvette Lewis, Rosemary Lord, the Lucas family, Katy Lunt, Kenneth Mackenzie, Susan Madron, Karen Malies, Sheila Malone, Christina Mann, Margaret Manning, Margaret Martin, Paul Mason, Corinne McDonald, Branwen McHugh, Claire Middlehurst, Ruth Morris, Roger Moyle, A. Donald Muirhead, Ann Nield, Mrs P Oliver, Gemma O’Brien, Edmund O’Neill, Sheila Parnell, Freda Payne, John Pearson, Mr V Pimlott, Harry Rea, Hilary Reeman, Mary Riding, Lisa Risbec, Constance Robinson, Mrs K Rosser, Alexander Roy, Beryl Rowe, Reuben Saffer, Felix Schmid, Boyda Schofield, Pam Schwarz, Dagny Simonsen, the late Jean Sutherland Singer, Elaine Skeffington, Mat Skinner, Janet Slade, Mr K Smith, Mike Smith, Graeme Stacey, Caroline Tattershall, Katie Taylor, Jean Thompson, Rosemary Tootill, Shirley & Bill Turner, John & Jan Tweed, John Wallis, Fiona Walmsley-Collins, Julie Ward MEP, Betty Wardleworth, Mark Watson, Doreen Webster, Karen Welsh, Helen Wiles, Katya Willems, Oneta Wilson, Kevin Wright.